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Microbiota in Aging

The research focus of our lab revolves around deciphering the molecular intricacies underpinning metabolic disease, cancer, and aging, recognizing their significant medical, social, and economic ramifications. Of particular interest is the burgeoning field of host-microbiota interactions, especially their impact on conditions like obesity, type-2 diabetes, and aging. Despite recent insights into how gut microbiota influence these syndromes, the regulatory mechanisms governing these interactions remain largely unexplored. Distinguishing causality in microbiota-related pathologies presents a formidable challenge, impeding our ability to precisely delineate their role in human health.

To address these gaps, our lab employs a multifaceted approach utilizing model organisms such as C. elegans and rodents. By leveraging these models, we aim to unravel the complex interplay between microbial communities and key physiological processes related to metabolism and longevity. Additionally, our research delves into the influence of microbiota on drug responses in metabolic disease, cancer, and aging, with the goal of optimizing therapeutic interventions and minimizing adverse effects.

Ultimately, our research endeavors are poised to significantly advance our understanding of host-microbiota interactions and their implications for human health. By elucidating the intricate mechanisms through which microbial communities shape physiological outcomes, we aim to pave the way for innovative therapeutic strategies aimed at mitigating the burden of metabolic disease, cancer, and aging on society.